We encourage cooking in the home, cooking with others, and eating together with family and friends. We also encourage practicing the art of 'welcoming the stranger'. If we do this, the once stranger, becomes a new friend.
Food has always been a part of this simple process of reaching out to others. Food has always been part of hospitality. In the middle ages monasteries always had a monk in charge of welcoming the traveler, the stranger, to give them safety for the night, and simple nourishment for the journey ahead. Our homes too can be safe havens for others. These 'strangers' are people we know, but are not well connected with. We can reach out to them and expand our sense of connection with the world, spreading the peace which comes with sharing food and conversation. If we would adopt one person in our life who needs a ride,, a meal, a blanket, a friend who will listen, we would see community begin to blossom. We can change the world by welcoming one person to eat with us, and experience the joy of hospitality.