1. Black-eyed Peas: add water to cover, sea salt, onions. While cooking, slice one pkg. of firm tofu about 1/2 to 1/4 inch. Lay the tofu on a plate and sprinkle with shoyu (traditionally made Japanese soy sauce) to absorb. Heat organic sesame oil in heavy skillet and fry to lightly crisp. (About 5 - 10 minutes on medium heat depending on gas or electric). Drain and add to peas at the end of cooking. Oil and fried tofu add nice dimension to the peas which are traditionally cooked in the south with bacon. The fried tofu give it a crispy, chewy texture and rich flavor.
Millet with pumpkin seed dressing: I cup millet rinsed 2 or 3 times until water is clear. Add to pot with 2 cups water and 1/4 tsp. salt. Bring to
boil, cover and cook for 25-30 minutes. Meanwhile take 1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds (toasted in a heavy skillet until nice aroma and slightly brown around edges. Keep stirring seeds during preparation so as not to burn), put in a food processor or grind in a suribachi (what we would call a mortar and pestle). Add 1/2 to 1 umoboshi plum, then water a little at a time to the sauce for the thickness you desire.
Sautéed cabbage, carrots and cauliflower: Cut equal amounts of cabbage, carrots and cauliflower and lightly oil a heavy skillet. Add vegetables
and stir quickly over medium to med-high heat. Keep the vegetables gently moving until almost done. Add a sprinkle of shoyu over vegetables. Cook another minute or two until vegetables are cooked firm, not soft.
Kale with orange dressing: Heat 3-4 cups water. Bring to a boil. While waiting for water to boil slice leaves off of stem. Slice and chop leaves. Put in a pile.
Slice and chop stem. When the water comes to a boil add the chopped stems. These take longer to cook, about 2 minutes. Strain out with a strainer and put on a plate. Now add the chopped kale. Let cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Strain and put on serving plate. While cooling, squeeze 1-2 oranges until you have about 1/2 cup of juice. Dissolve 1 teaspoon white miso or garbanzo miso in a cup until smooth and add it to the orange juice. Put in pretty server to allow self serving over kale at the table.
Millet with pumpkin seed dressing: I cup millet rinsed 2 or 3 times until water is clear. Add to pot with 2 cups water and 1/4 tsp. salt. Bring to
boil, cover and cook for 25-30 minutes. Meanwhile take 1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds (toasted in a heavy skillet until nice aroma and slightly brown around edges. Keep stirring seeds during preparation so as not to burn), put in a food processor or grind in a suribachi (what we would call a mortar and pestle). Add 1/2 to 1 umoboshi plum, then water a little at a time to the sauce for the thickness you desire.
Sautéed cabbage, carrots and cauliflower: Cut equal amounts of cabbage, carrots and cauliflower and lightly oil a heavy skillet. Add vegetables
and stir quickly over medium to med-high heat. Keep the vegetables gently moving until almost done. Add a sprinkle of shoyu over vegetables. Cook another minute or two until vegetables are cooked firm, not soft.
Kale with orange dressing: Heat 3-4 cups water. Bring to a boil. While waiting for water to boil slice leaves off of stem. Slice and chop leaves. Put in a pile.
Slice and chop stem. When the water comes to a boil add the chopped stems. These take longer to cook, about 2 minutes. Strain out with a strainer and put on a plate. Now add the chopped kale. Let cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Strain and put on serving plate. While cooling, squeeze 1-2 oranges until you have about 1/2 cup of juice. Dissolve 1 teaspoon white miso or garbanzo miso in a cup until smooth and add it to the orange juice. Put in pretty server to allow self serving over kale at the table.